Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Well obviously we have been slacking on updating our blog recently but for some reason we've been a little bit busy ;).

Russell and I now have a beautiful little son. Apparently I made it too comfy in there while I was pregnant because he had no intention of joining us near his due date. On the evening of Novemeber 6th, 2012, 41 weeks pregnant, we began the process of forcing him out. After a long day and a half Benjamin George Robison was born on November 8th, 2012 at 7:52 a.m., weighing 7 lbs 14.6 oz. and 20 1/2 in. long. He is the most perfect bundle we could have ever asked for!

Benjamin has already become quite the traveler for his young age. He has flown with us to Wyoming two times to see family and friends and once to Oklahoma to visit Russell's Grandmother and family. He is a wonderful flyer, thus far, but I wouldn't have expected anything less because that's just his little personality. As long as his basic needs are met he is a happy little guy. He's taking his morning nap in his crib as I type this. He's a very good sleeper as well. I'm a happy momma to say the least!
Benjamin is now 3 months old and he has grown a bunch! He's weighing in at 15 lbs. and 24 in. long. He loves to coo and play on his tummy. He holds his head up very steady these days and enjoys sitting in his Bumbo chair so he can look at you. He also loves to play on his play mat where he can bat at the toys hanging above him. He's almost got the grasping thing down. Any day now he'll be rolling over and once that happens I don't think we'll keep him from crawling for long!
  I am loving every minute of being a stay at home mom. I love getting to experience all of the little changes in him and it amazes me every day that we made this wonderful little boy. Here are some of my favorite pictures of our Benjamin.

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