Wednesday, November 13, 2013

One Year Old!

Mike Wazowski! - March
As you can imagine, many changes have taken place since our last blog update. Ben has gone from rolling to walking, and has grown eight pounds and eight-and-a-half inches. He celebrated his first birthday last Friday, and looking back at photos taken over the last nine months, we tried to choose a few to illustrate his growth from then to now.

At the park - April

After-lunch nap - May

Cheering Yasiel Puig - June

First time standing in crib - August

Sequoia National Park - July

Flying in the Cessna - September

He now has enough hair to qualify for his first haircut -- maybe this month. Mom's having a hard time with the idea. He had a lion's mane for Halloween, however. Katie made most of the family's costumes herself.

Wizard of Oz ensemble

Mr. Pumpkin Head
Development milestones -- crawling, walking, talking, etc. -- continue to roll by, and Ben seems adept at figuring new things out. He helps pick up his toys, brings objects on command, and he enjoys sliding down his new slide by himself too.

One year old!

We're excited to fly back to Wyoming for Christmas so the family can see all these new developments, and we look forward to another year of growth ahead!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Well obviously we have been slacking on updating our blog recently but for some reason we've been a little bit busy ;).

Russell and I now have a beautiful little son. Apparently I made it too comfy in there while I was pregnant because he had no intention of joining us near his due date. On the evening of Novemeber 6th, 2012, 41 weeks pregnant, we began the process of forcing him out. After a long day and a half Benjamin George Robison was born on November 8th, 2012 at 7:52 a.m., weighing 7 lbs 14.6 oz. and 20 1/2 in. long. He is the most perfect bundle we could have ever asked for!

Benjamin has already become quite the traveler for his young age. He has flown with us to Wyoming two times to see family and friends and once to Oklahoma to visit Russell's Grandmother and family. He is a wonderful flyer, thus far, but I wouldn't have expected anything less because that's just his little personality. As long as his basic needs are met he is a happy little guy. He's taking his morning nap in his crib as I type this. He's a very good sleeper as well. I'm a happy momma to say the least!
Benjamin is now 3 months old and he has grown a bunch! He's weighing in at 15 lbs. and 24 in. long. He loves to coo and play on his tummy. He holds his head up very steady these days and enjoys sitting in his Bumbo chair so he can look at you. He also loves to play on his play mat where he can bat at the toys hanging above him. He's almost got the grasping thing down. Any day now he'll be rolling over and once that happens I don't think we'll keep him from crawling for long!
  I am loving every minute of being a stay at home mom. I love getting to experience all of the little changes in him and it amazes me every day that we made this wonderful little boy. Here are some of my favorite pictures of our Benjamin.

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's about that time...

Well we're getting very close to my due date! One and a half weeks to go! I'm feeling good and Russell and I are both feeling prepared because everything is ready to go for Benjamin's arrival. My mom visited to help with painting the nursery about three weeks ago. I think it turned out beautifully!

Last night we took some fun "maternity photos" with some friends of ours at Apollo Park, here in Lancaster.

Russell was very pleasantly surprised to capture this photo as well...he admitted that this was his favorite picture of the evening :P!
We'll update again when our little one arrives :). Can't wait!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Anniversary Trip to France

We have returned from our anniversary trip to France! It was Katie's first time in Europe, so we hit as many tourist attractions in Paris as we could. We also went on two day-trips, one to Angoulême, where my dad's friend lives part-time; the other to Versailles and its famous palace and gardens. The weather was warm but tolerable (especially when we switched to a hotel with air conditioning mid-week).

Our first hotel was on the Rue Champs-Élysées, near the famous Arc de Triomphe. It had a very narrow elevator:

If you go to Paris and visit the Eiffel Tower, we recommend purchasing a ticket to walk up the stairs to the second level, then riding the elevator to the top. The wait for an elevator from bottom to top looked to be over 3 hours. The wait for the stairs method: None. There are a mere 688 stairs to the second level.

Tokens of enduring love locked to a bridge across the Seine, with the famous Pont Neuf in the background. We were told the city comes by every couple years and cuts all the locks.

Sacré-Coeur basilica. We walked up to the rotunda level and enjoyed great views, as the church is on the highest hill in Paris. We also explored the crypt beneath.

A few more notable Paris sites: Sainte-Chapelle church, the Moulin Rouge cabaret, and the Louvre museum.

We also met up with our high school friend Paul, who works part-time as a walking tour guide while studying for his Master's degree in the city.

Our favorite visit turned out to be the gardens at the Palace of Versailles. Covering nearly 2,000 acres are water fountain displays set to music, immaculate flower beds, intricate tree arrangments and plenty of Renaissance sculptures. You can rent a boat and enjoy the Grand Canal at the center, or rent a golf cart and tour the expanse with haste. We preferred the leisurely route, walking though the working farm on the north side of the property as well as touring Marie Antoinette's portion of the estate.


Now we're back home, improving the back yard and preparing for Benjamin's arrival at the end of October. We look forward to seeing family and friends again this fall.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Things are cooking

Okie and Nema were with us on last year's Christmas card, but they'll face some competition this year: we are going to have a baby in October! We don't yet know the gender, although we will find out in a few weeks. Katie has passed the first trimester with a few days of discomfort, but the first doctor's appointment indicated the baby is healthy. We listened to the heartbeat and saw pictures of the (then) 1-inch-long "peanut." By now it has more than tripled in size!

Katie's brother Jason and his family visited us in February, and we went to Disneyland for two days.

Me dominating Katie at Astro Blasters

Garrett's favorite ride

Prior to that, Katie's parents visited. We toured a local windmill farm being built.

Nema is growing up! And chewing many unapproved items.

We flew to Santa Barbara for lunch in March.

Coastline east of Santa Barbara

Final approach

Last Saturday we went to a fly-in at Mojave Airport with a demonstration by Richard Branson's commercial space travel company, Scaled Composites.

White Knight 1

White Knight 2

I am still progressing through training at the center and Katie is looking forward to the end of the school year. We have travel plans for the summer and things to look forward to in the fall as well!

Snow on the hills