Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Passed Basics!

Not too difficult, but I passed the Air Traffic Basics course today, so it's on to actual controlling stuff for the next three months. We'll have a month and a half or so of non-radar (old school keeping track of airplanes with pencils and maps), then the rest will be radar problems.

We've had several classes that are ahead of ours come back and visit after their final test. Sounds like about an 85% or so pass rate overall.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo Shoot

No kids yet but Okie sure made us feel like a family, so we decided to take photos for our family Christmas card. Oklahoma City is ALWAYS windy so we tried to pick one of the less windy days this week to go to a nearby park for some outdoor photos. Okie is still recovering from her spaying surgery so even though it was less windy than usual, she was shivering the whole time. We tried to make it quick. Russell said we caught the light at "magic hour." I was more concerned with my hair and Okie looking at the camera :). I think we got a few nice shots.

Okie Robison

Well we finally gave in! I've always loved dogs and had been wanting a puppy for the longest time, but Russell and I had decided it would be best to wait until we bought our first home to get our first dog. Plans change. Two weeks ago I was looking on craigslist for jobs when I decided to take a break and glance at the "pets" section, just for fun :), when I saw a posting for an adorable six month old silky terrier. The man who made the posting said that he had purchased this dog for "a friend" but the friend was unable to keep her. He also noted that he was moving to Vegas, so if someone was going to buy her they would have to come and get her that day. I showed the picture of this adorable puppy to Russell and we discussed the possibilities. Russell, of course, made the financial calculations, I did some research on the silky terrier breed, and we made our decision. It couldn't hurt to just go see her, right? Well...we fell in love! We brought her home that night, changed her name from Cookie (a bit too froo froo or hooker like for our tastes) to Okie, and gave her an extensive bath. Unfortunately, the bath helped us discover that she had fleas and so Okie and I made our first trip to the vet IMMEDIATELY the next morning. She was sprayed down with Frontline, given ear drops for ear mites :S, checked for any other issues, and scheduled to be spayed. (I bought flea killer for carpet and upholstery and vacuumed about a million times.) Now two weeks later Okie is currently sitting on my lap as I type this. She has been spayed, vaccinated, nails trimmed, four baby teeth removed, and learned several tricks including sit, down, roll over, crawl, jump up, shake, and play dead. She's very smart! And although several dollars later, we're very happy!